Wednesday, February 29, 2012

AmericaNTM18 E1: Culture Clash in 3D

Seymone Roth (US) and Sophie Sumner (UK)
Michelle Obama vs. Margaret Thatcher

Kyle Gober (US) and Louise Watts (UK)

Andy Warhol vs. Amy Winehouse

Laura LaFrate (US) and Alisha White (UK)
Madonna vs. Elton John

Catherine Thomas (UK) and AzMarie Livingston (US)

Queen Elizabeth I vs. George Washington

Candace Smith (US) and Annaliese Dayes (UK)

Janet Jackson vs. Spice Girl Mel B.

Eboni Davis (US) and Ashley Brown (UK) (Bottom 2)
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis vs. Princess Diana

Mariah Watchman (US) and Jasmia Robinson 
(UK) (Eliminated)
Pocahontas vs. John Lennon

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