Wednesday, April 11, 2007

AmericaNTM8 E8: Portraying Unforgettable ANTM moments for Payless Shoes

Dionne Walters
Lesbian limo kiss (Kim Stolz, Cycle 5)

Natasha Galkina
Impetigo (Michelle DeightonCycle 4)

Brittany Hatch
ANTM having twin contestant (Amanda and Michelle BabinCycle 7)

Renee Alway
Snaggletooth Removal (Joanie DoddsCycle 6)

Jaslene Gonzalez
Stolen granola bar (Bre ScullarkCycle 5)

Jael Strauss (Bottom 2)
Balance disorder fainting during panel (Rebecca EpleyCycle 4)

Whitney Cunningham (Eliminated)
Refusal to do a nude shoot (Shannon StewartCycle 1)

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