Monday, December 13, 2021

Call Me Mother (Season 1)

Drag Mother/Mentor:

(House of Glass)
Mother: Crystal

HercuSleaze, Rosie and Valerie Hunt

(House of Dulcet)
Mother: Peppermint

Felicia Bonée, Toddy and Kiki Coe 

(House of Harmonie)
Mother: Barbada De Barbades 

Sanjina Dabish QueenCalypso Cosmic and Narcissa Wolfe 




(House of Dulcet)

Runner Up: Kiki Coe (House of Dulcet)

Runner Up: Valerie Hunt (House of Glass)

Sanjina Dabish Queen (House of Harmonie)

HercuSleaze (House of Glass)

Narcissa Wolfe (House of Harmonie)

Felicia Bonée (House of Dulcet) (Quit)

Calypso Cosmic (House of Harmonie)

Rosie (House of Glass)

Ella Lamoureux

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